Current position:observation site > Sites > Forest Ecosystem > Genhe


 The Genhe flux site is located at Daxing'an Mountains Research Station(50°49′~50°51′N,121°30′~121°31′E,826m a.s.l.),which belongs to Chinese Forest Ecosystem Research Netwok (CFERN) and China National Ecosystem Obvervation and Research Network (CNEN).The stastion is located in the northwest slope of Daxing'an Mountains, administratively belongs to Genhe Forest Bureau, E'ergunazuoqi county, Hulunbei'er meng, Inner Mongolia.The geographic coordinate of flux tower is 50°56.348′N,121°30.584′E,with altitude of 848 m.


 The region is characterized by a typical cold temperate monsoon climate, with mean annal precipitation of 450~550 mm, of which nearly 60% falls in July ,Augusy and September, and its winter can be as long as nine months.The annual temperature is -5.4℃,with an average temperature of the coldest and hottest month of -4℃ and 20℃,respectively.The mean annual sunshine duration is 250~2800h, with mean annual frost-free period of 90~180d.

Vegetation and soil

 Daxing'an Mountain is one of the most valuable reserves for its high latitude and rich  gene pool of various species.The soil type is podsolic with a very thin solum (20-40cm).The main vegetation type include Phododendron dauricum (Dahuian rhodoendron) and L. gmelini (Dahuian larch) forest. The canopy height is over 30m.The soil over this area is upland dark brow forest soil.

Observation system

 The flux observation spot is at the Xing'an larch forest. The fluxes of CO2,H2O and energy above forest canopy are measured with close-path eddy covariance system (CPEC) since 2007. the 7-level RMET system and 7-level CO2 profile sampling system are also in strumented at different heights of a 65 m high tower.Soil respriation is measured with chamber method. Atmospheric dry and wet deposition was also measured at this site.

Principle Investigator

 Qiuliang Zhang

Station director

.Qiuliang Zhang

Assistant station director



Runhong Gao                    Yongjie Yue  

Yao Liu                                Xiuzhi Ma    

Niu Tie                                 Huijun An

Fei Wang                            Meilian Wang

Jianqiang Li                       Chuanfu Zang



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