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  • 地理位置

    鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林通量观测站设置在CERN鼎湖山森林生态系统定位站内。位于广东省肇庆市鼎湖山保护区内,北纬23°09′~23°11′,东经112°30′~112°33′。实验站地处低山丘陵,112°32′3.8″E,23°10′24″N,海拔在14~1000 m之间。

  • 气象特征

    该站点属南亚热带季风湿润气候,年均气温20.9 ℃,7月平均气温为28.1 ℃,1月为12.0 ℃,极端最低气温零下0.2 ℃,偶有短暂霜冻;年均降水量1956 mm;年均相对湿度82%。干湿季节明显,4~9月份为雨季,10月至来年3月为旱季。

  • 植被类型

    鼎湖山的植被为南亚热带典型的常绿阔叶林,是北回归线附近保存完好的南亚热带地带性植被。植物种类繁多,亚热带植物类型为优势种,热带植物类型也有较多分布。植被类型多样,可分为季风常绿阔叶林、山地常绿阔叶林、针叶阔叶混交林、针叶林、沟谷雨林、常绿灌丛和山地灌木草丛等不同类型。季风常绿阔叶林分布在保护区的核心区,面积125 hm2,保存较完好, 已有400多年的保护历史, 是南亚热带代表性的森林类型。季风常绿阔叶林为锥栗(Castanopis chinensis)、荷木(Schim asuperba)、厚壳桂(Cryptocarya chnensis) 群落。林冠重叠、稠密, 种类丰富, 结构复杂, 垂直结构可分为6层, 即乔木3个亚层, 幼树灌木层、草本苗木层, 层间植物层。季风常绿阔叶林样地的母岩为沙页岩。土壤为赤红壤, 土层深60-90 cm,表层有机制含量2.94%-4.27%。

  • 观测系统

    观测塔高36 m,其上安装了7层常规气象系统,分别位于4 m、9 m、15m、21 m、27 m、31 m和36 m处;两套开路式涡度相关通量观测系统,分别位于2 m和27 m处。同时该站还安装了测量土壤CO2、CH4和N2O排放量的箱式法观测系统。

  • 负责人



  • 通量观测负责人

    周国逸           研究员

     闫俊华            研究员

  • 观测研究骨干

    刘菊秀            研究员

    李跃林             副研究员                    唐旭丽            副研究员

    刘世忠             高级工程师                张倩媚            高级研究员

    孟  泽              工程师                           褚国伟           工程师

  • 科技部"973"

    1. 植被及其与各个圈层碳循环的相互作用       (闫俊华    2013-2017)

  • 重大基金项目

    1. 鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林生态系统通量综合观测      (闫俊华    2013-2017)

  • 国家基金

    1. 不同恢复阶段森林群落冠层水分通量及树种水分特征的适应性研究       (李跃林   2012-2015)

    2. 林冠模拟氮沉降和降雨对森林土壤CO2、CH4和N2O通量的影响        (张炜   2014-2017)

  • 发表研究论文

    1. Guoyi Zhou, Benjamin Z. Houlton, Wantong Wang, Wenjuan Huang,Yin Xiao, Zhang Qianmei, Shizhong Liu, Min Cao, Xihua Wang,Silong Wang, Yiping Zhang, Junhua Yan, Juxiu Liu, Xuli Tang, Deqiang Zhang. Substantial reorganization of China's tropical and subtropical forests: based on the permanent plots. Global Change Biology. 2014,20:240-250. SCI,8.224
    2. Yan Junhua,Wei Zhang,Keya Wang,Fen Qin,Wantong Wang,Huitang Dai,Peixue Li. Responses of CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes between atmosphere and forest soil to changes in multiple environmental conditions. Global Change Biology. 2014,20:300-312. SCI,8.224
    3. Junhua Yan*,Deqiang Zhang,Juxiu Liu,Guoyi Zhou. Interactions between CO2 enhancement and N addition on net primary productivity and water-use efficiency in a mesocosm with multiple subtropical tree species. Global Change Biology. 2014,20:2230-2239. SCI,8.224
    4. Xiankai Lu, Qinggong Mao, Frank S. Gilliam, Yiqi Luo,Jiangming Mo*. Nitrogen deposition contributes to soil acidification in tropical ecosystems. Global Change Biology. 2014,1-12. SCI,8.224
    5. Yin Xiao,Guoyi Zhou*,Zhang Qianmei,Wantong Wang,Shizhong Liu. Increasing active biomass carbon may lead to a breakdown of mature forest equilibrium. Scientific Reports. 2014,6页. SCI,5.078
    6. Wei Zhang*,Keya Wang,Yiqi Luo,Yunting Fang,Junhua Yan,Tao Zhang,Xiaomin Zhu,Hao Chen,Wantong Wang,Mo Jiangming. Methane uptake in forest soils along an urban-to-rural gradient in Pearl River Delta, South China. Scientific Rerorts. 2014,4:1-6. SCI,5.078
    7. Zhang Wei,Zhu X,Luo Y,Rafique, R.,Chen Hua,Huang Juan,Mo Jiangming*. Responses of nitrous oxide emissions to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in two tropical plantations with N-fixing vs. non-N-fixing tree species. BIOGEOSCIENCES. 2014,11(18):4941-4951. SCI,3.753
    8. Hao Chen, Geshere A. Gurmesa, Lei Liu, Tao Zhang, Shenglei Fu, Zhanfeng Liu,Shaofeng Dong, Chuan Ma, Jiangming Mo. Effects of Litter Manipulation on Litter Decomposition in a Successional Gradients of Tropical Forests in Southern China. Plos One. 2014,9(6):e99018. SCI,3.534
    9. Xingzhao Liu, Wei Meng, Guohua Liang, Kun Li, Weiqiang Xu, Liujing Huang, Junhua Yan*. Available Phosphorus in Forest Soil Increases with Soil Nitrogen but Not Total Phosphorus: Evidence from Subtropical Forests and a Pot Experiment. Plos One. 2014,9(2):e88070. SCI,3.534
    10. Juxiu Liu, Deqiang Zhang, Wenjuan Huang, Guoyi Zhou, Yuelin Li,Shizhong Liu. Quantify the loss of major ions induced by CO2 enrichment and nitrogen addition in subtropical model forest ecosystems. J. Geophys.Res. Biogeosci.. 2014,119(4):676-686. SCI,3.44
    11. Junhua Yan*, Wantong Wang,Chuanyan Zhou,Kun Li,Shijie Wang. Responses of water yield and dissolved inorganic carbon export to forest recovery in the Houzhai karst basin, southwest China. Hydrological Processes. 2014,28:2082-2090. SCI,2.696
    12. Xiuzhi Chen*,Yong Li,Yongxian Su,Liusheng Han,Jishan Liao,Shenbin Yang. Mapping global surface roughness using AMSR-E passive microwave remote sensing. Geoderma. 2014,235-236:308-315. SCI,2.509
    13. Xiuzhi Chen*, Yongxian Su, Yong Li, Liusheng Han, Jishan Liao,Shenbin Yang. Retrieving China’s surface soil moisture and land surface temperature using AMSR-E brightness temperatures. Remote Sensing Letters. 2014,5(7):662-671. SCI,1.427
    14. Zhang Qianmei*,Xiaoying Luo,Zaixiong Chen. Conservation and reintroduction of Firmiana danxiaensis, a rare tree species endemic to southern China. Oryx. 2014,48(4):481-485. SCI,1.914
    15. Huang Wenjuan,Zhou Guoyi,Juxiu Liu*,Honglang Duan,Xingzhao Liu,Xiong Fang,Deqiang Zhang. Shifts in soil phosphorus fractions under elevated CO2 and N addition in model forest ecosystems in subtropical China. Plant Ecol. 2014,215:1373-1384. SCI,1.64
    16. Dennis Otieno, Yuelin Li∗, Yangxu Ou, Jing Cheng, Shizhong Liu, Xuli Tang,Zhang Qianmei, Eun-young Jung, Deqiang Zhang, John Tenhunen. Stand characteristics and water use at two elevations in a sub-tropical evergreen forest in southern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2014,194:155-166. SCI,3.894
