The flux site of Dinghushan South Subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest is located in Dinghushan biosphere reserve at zhaoqiang,Guangdong province in south China (23°09′~23°11′N,and 112°30′~112°33′E).It belongs to Chinese National Ecosystem Observation and Research Network (CERN).Dinghushan biosphere reserve lies in the low mountains and hilly lands and thus has complex topography,with an altitude range from 14 m to 1000 m.
This area is most influenced by monsoon humid climate of torrid zone of south asia.Mean annual temperature is 21℃,with a mean maximum of 28℃ in July and a mean minimum of 12℃in january ,and the lowest temperature is -0.2℃.Forest occurs occasionally.mean annual precipitation is 1956 mm.rainfall has a distinct pattern of wet season .Relative humidity is high and fairly constant throughout the year,and the mean annual relative humidity is 82%.
Vegetation and soil
The vegetation at Dinghushan site is typical evergreen broadleaved forest of subtropical and typics,which is well conserved near the Tropic of Cancer. Dinghushan biosphere reserve has lots of botanic types, includes many endangered and rare types.Major dominant species in canopy layers include Cleistocalyx Operculatus,Ayzygium jambos,Castanopsis chinensis Pinus massoniania, Rhododendron Moulmainense,etc.the vegetation type at this region can be divided into rainforest ,Monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest, pine and broad-leaved mixed forest,pine forest ,mountain shrubby grassland ,etc.The soil mainly conisits of lateritic red-earth ,with yellow-earth and mountain shrubby -meadow soil.
Observation system
The location of 38 m high observation tower is 23°10′N,112°32′E, with an altitude of 300 m.7 levels routine meteoeological measurement system and two levels of OPEC system are fixed respectively at different heights on the tower.Meanwhile, chamber measurement system is also in stalled,which is used to measure the greenhouse gases as CO2,CH4 and N2O emissions from the soil.
Principal Investigator
Junhua Yan
E-mail: jhyan@scib.ac.cn