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文献信息:Tian, H., Lu, C., Ciais, P., Michalak, A.M., Canadell,J.G., Saikawa, E., Huntzinger, D.N., Gurney, K.R., Sitch, S., Zhang, B., Yang,J., Bousquet, P., Bruhwiler, L., Chen, G., Dlugokencky, E., Friedlingstein, P.,Melillo, J., Pan, S., Poulter, B., Prinn, R., Saunois, M., Schwalm, C.R.,Wofsy, S.C., 2016. The terrestrial biosphere as a net source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Nature,  531(7593), 225-228. doi: 10.1038/nature16946




1 |基于GWP100GWP20度量的陆地生物圈人为生物GHG排放

Table 1 | Human-inducedbiogenic GHG emissions from the terrestrial biosphere based on GWP100 and GWP20metrics


1 | 2000年代陆地生物圈的总体生物温室气体平衡。采用自上而下(TD)和自下而上(BU)方法估算了14个部门合并的四个主要类别的陆地CO2汇、CH4N2O通量(Extended Data Table 1)。全球增温潜势(GWP100)是在去除工业前生物排放的CH4125±14 Tg C yr−1)和N2O7.4±1.3 Tg N yr−1)后计算的。负值表示温室气体汇,正值表示温室气体源。TD*表示农业CH4N2O排放量的估算值,包括填埋场和废弃物产生的CH4源以及来自人类污水的N2O源。

Figure 1 | The overall biogenicGHG balance of the terrestrial biosphere in the 2000s. Top-down (TD) andbottom-up (BU) approaches are used to estimate land CO2 sink, CH4and N2O fluxes for four major categories merged from 14 sectors(Extended Data Table 1). Global warming potential (GWP100) is calculated afterremoving preindustrial biogenic emissions of CH4 (125 ± 14 Tg C yr−1)and N2O (7.4 ± 1.3 Tg N yr−1). Negative values indicateGHG sinks and positive values indicate GHG sources. TD* indicates estimates ofagricultural CH4 and N2O emissions that include CH4sources from landfill and waste, and an N2O source from humansewage, respectively.


2 |过去三十年人为引发的生物温室气体十年平衡的变化(基于GWP100)。数据点显示了各气体(蓝色代表CO2,黄色代表CH4,红色代表N2O)和来自生物源的净人类温室气体平衡(黑色),这些源于去除的前工业生物源的CO2汇以及CH4N2O排放量。误差线,±s.d.根据各种估计集合计算。

Figure 2 | Changes in thedecadal balance of human-induced biogenic GHGs in the past three decades (basedon GWP100). Data points show individual gases (blue for CO2, yellowfor CH4, and red for N2O) and net human-induced GHGbalance (black) derived from biogenic sources with pre-industrial biogenic CO2sink, and CH4 and N2O emissions removed. Error bars,±s.d. calculated from various estimate ensembles.


3 | 2000年代不同大陆的人为引发的生物温室气体平衡(基于GWP100)。蓝色条表示CO2通量,黄色为CH4通量,红色表示去除前工业通量的N2O通量。黑点表示人为引起的温室气体净平衡;误差条,±s.d.估计集合。

Figure 3 | The balance ofhuman-induced biogenic GHGs for different continents in the 2000s (based onGWP100). Blue bars represent CO2 flux, yellow CH4 fluxand red for N2O flux with pre-industrial fluxes removed. Black dotsindicate net human-induced GHG balance; error bars, ±s.d. of estimateensembles.