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61 Yanru Liang, Rattan Lal, Shengli Guo, Ruiqiang Liu, Yaxian Hu Impacts of simulated erosion and soil amendments on greenhouse gas fluxes and maize yield in Miamian soil of central Ohio Scientific Reports 2017,8(0):1-11
62 Zhao F Z, Zhang L., Sun J, Ren C J, Han X H, Yang G H, Wang, J Effect of Soil C, N and P Stoichiometry on Soil Organic C Fractions After Afforestation Pedosphere 2017,27(4):705-713
63 Tao Zhang, Genxu Wang*, Yan Yang, Tianxu Mao, Xiaopeng Chen. Grassland types and season-dependent response of ecosystem respiration to experimental warming in a permafrost region in the Tibetan Plateau Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2017,247(0):271–279
64 罗辑,李伟, 佘佳,何咏梅,高嘉宁 贡嘎山海螺沟冰川退缩区域植被演替过程的碳动态 山地学报 2017,35(5):629-635
65 Xiang, Z. X., Bing, H. J., Wu, Y. H., Zhou, J., Li, R., He, X. L. Tracing environmental lead sources on the Ao mountain of China using lead isotopic composition and biomonitoring Journal of Mountain Science 2017,14(7):1358-1372
66 赵广,刘刚才,朱万泽 Stem CO2 efflux of Abies fabri in subalpine forests in the Gongga Mountains, Eastern Tibetan Plateau Journal of Plant Ecology 2017,10(6):1001-1011
67 Xiaoyan Song, Genxu Wang, Fei Ran, Ruiying Chang, Chunlin Song, Yao Xiao Effects of topography and fire on soil CO2 and CH4 flux in boreal forest underlain by permafrost in northeast China Ecological Engineering 2017,106(0):35–43
68 Chen Xiaopeng, Genxu Wang, Kewei Huang, Zhaoyong Hu, Chunlin Song, Yiming Liang, Jian Wang, Xiaoyan Song, Shan Lin The effect of nitrogen deposition rather than warming on carbon flux in alpine meadows depends on precipitation variations Ecological Engineering 2017,107(0):183–191
69 Zhi Li ,Xueqing Lin,Wei Xiang, Xi Chen,Tianming Huang Stable isotope tracing of headwater sources in a river on China’s Loess Plateau HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL – JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES 2017,62(13):2150–2159
70 Yufang Shen,Lixia Zhu,Hongyan Cheng,Shanchao Yue,Shiqing Li Effects of Biochar Application on CO2 Emissions from a Cultivated Soil under Semiarid Climate Conditions in Northwest China Sustainability 2017,9(8):1-13
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